November is the Perfect Month For Extended Care Awareness Month

Long-Term Care or Extended Care can be described in many different ways and often is from using scare tactics, to percentages, to the exorbitant costs of care. If you have ever been a full time care giver to a loved one there is no explanation required as you get it. In a nut shell Long-Term Care is about choice and quality of care for the loved one who can no longer fully care for themself for a variety of reasons, most often due to the aging process. It is also about the quality of life for the care giver and the tremendous stresses involved with assuming a 24/7/365 care-giving role.We get it…..most individuals don’t plan ahead for issues such as Long-Term Care and or Extended Care.

Review Question: Do you know who gets it the most? Correct!! ….those who have had prior full time hands on care-giving experience. The bulk of our individual clients are the ones who have had prior experience with a loved one and called us because they don’t want their family to have to go through what they did. Do you know who calls us the most in a panic? As you could imagine….those who’s loved one just fell, experienced a medical event and now they are in need of long-term custodial care. How well you plan in advance will largely determine how well you and your family will do with both of the primary issues surrounding Long-Term Care and or Extended Care.

Step#1 in all instances is to have the conversation in advance and not wait until that 911 call comes in. Not sure where to start, we help families every day with the issues surrounding Extended Care and can certainly help you and your family. #Planningisbetter 704-523-1911

By |2018-11-19T11:19:39-05:00November 19th, 2018|aging, Assisted Living, caregiving, eldercare, extended care, Financial, Financial Planning, Insurance, Long-Term Care Planning|Comments Off on November is the Perfect Month For Extended Care Awareness Month